Monday, July 18, 2016

Tulsa senior pictures as a group work out better than just a single Image. The Tulsa Union high school seniors buy them as part of their print package. I just found out the Sapulpa Oklahoma High School Seniors are required to have Studio portraits for the yearbook.  ‪#‎SapulpaHighSchool‬ ‪#‎TulsaUnionHighschool‬ ‪#‎Tulsa‬ ‪#‎seniorpictures‬

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Creative ideas for Tulsa's senior pictures look at the lighting isn't it gorgeous, this works well for fashion models and toned down just a bit would be ideal for a classic senior portrait. You only take senior portraits one time why not make yours the best?  Call A1 Tulsa Photo to schedule your special senior portraits. 918 909 6092 Be sure to check out our Seniors website.